The Obama Presence

The Obama Presence
Hot air and the smell of fresh crap


AWARD #1: Nathan Deal Liberal Republican Medal of Honor Award

"It is good to know they're all innocent in the Big House."

Ladies and gentlemen this is where we draw the line in the sand. The border of the 9th Congressional District of Georgia is where we will stand the line against Socialism and Statism. The future of our families are at stake and we must elect a Constitutional Conservative to represent us in the US House of Representatives. The representative we elect must understand the Constitution and make decisions and policy that secures and protects the Liberties of the citizens of this district. While our children slept we failed to protect them from the decisions and votes made by our previous US Congressman Nathan Deal (R-GA9). Nathan Deal voted to massively increase the size of government, spent future generations of our families into oblivion, and created huge bureaucracies that usurp the Liberties given to us by the Founding Fathers and enshrined in the United States Constitution. For that distinction I award Nathan Deal the Liberal Republican Hammer and Sickle medal.

Nathan Deal was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1992 as a Democrat. He switched parties in 1995 after the Gingrich revolution wrested control of Congress in 1994. Nathan Deal said he switched parties because he was uncomfortable voting alongside Liberal Democrats, yet he voted NO to elect Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House. Nathan's voting record is clear. He made 11,315 votes over this time period and only missed 675 (6%) of total votes. The vast majority of his missed votes were in 2009 and Q1 2010 as he planned his run for the Office of Governor, Georgia. The votes range from the ludicrous (H.Con.Res 275 Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the education curriculum in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) to the largest entitlement in human history prior to Obamacare (HR 1/HR4954 Medicare and Prescription Drug Act 2003 a $16.1T unfunded mandate that cripples the finance of this nation.) He has voted to restrict prayer in school (HR 2518 Section 304 Prohibits funds to prevent voluntary prayer in public schools) and leading us to war in Iraq with two votes (HR 4655 Iraq Liberation Act 1998 calling for regime change in Iraq and HJ 114 Authorization to use Force in Iraq.) Make no mistake about Nathan Deal. He has spent trillions and trillions of your hard earned tax dollars and the wealth not yet earned from future generations of your families. Nathan Deal is a Statist and I can prove it with his voting record. This man is running for Governor of the State of Georgia in 2010. GOD help us all!

I. Summary:

During his tenure Nathan Deal voted;

1. to increase the public debt limit from $4.0T (1993) to $7.384T (2007).
2. to authorize military force against Iraq and Afghanistan.
3. for The Housing and Community Development Act 1994. [HR 3838 leading to the financial meltdown in 2008]
4. for Federal intervention into our childrens' education. [HR 1 2002 No Child Left Behind]
5. for NAFTA which sent millions of jobs overseas. [HR 3450 1993]
6. to massively expand welfare benefits in housing, food stamps, and health care.
7. to spend $124B in the Resolution Trust Corporation S&L bailouts. [S. 714 Resolution Trust 1993]
8. to implement incremental steps towards Obamacare.
9. to infringe our 2nd Amendment rights. [HR 3098 Handgun Safety Act 1993/HR 1025 Brady Handgun Law 1993]
10. for environmental regulations that impede economic growth.
11. to infringe on States Rights 10th Amendment.
12. to institutionalize the nanny state.
13. to steal your Liberties.


Nathan Deal is pro life.
Nathan Deal voted to impeach Clinton.

II. Corruption

Keep one thing in mind when reading this report. Nathan Deal is rated as one the most corrupt members of the House of representatives by the organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington DC. (See Report In addition, the Office of House Ethics Committee (OCE) ruled that they "believed Representative Deal violated the House Ethics Manual’s directive to disclose all nongovernmental positions held." The original report is linked ( and can be found on page 5 paragraph 6 of the original report by the OCE. Nathan Deal conveniently resigned this office at the end of March effectively closing the investigation. Nathan Deal denies any wrongdoing and claims it is a political witch hunt in reaction to his bid for Governor. It is good to know they're all innocent in the Big House.

III. What is a Constitutional Conservative?

Ask yourself one question. Would a true Constitutional Conservative ever put themselves in the position to give the appearance of impropriety? No. Nathan Deal's Job description as a US Congressman is to secure and protect the Liberties of the citizens in the 9th Congressional District of Georgia. Nathan Deal swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. You decide if he lived up to his oath.

IV. The Evidence

The Charts below is a detailed reconstruction of his voting record since entering Congress by subject matter. Not all of these Bills became law, but Nathan Deal's YES votes give you a glimpse into his state of mind. You can review all of the information within this report at ( by looking up the year or Bill number. I only included the most egregious and faulty judgment to illustrate Nathan Deal's Liberal and Statist agenda. Almost every item is unconstitutional.

RED = Statist unconstitutional vote BLUE = Constitutional Conservative vote.

Public Debt

1993 HR 1430Increased Public Debt Limit
From $4.0T to $4.37T
Big Spending
1994HR 2586
Increased Public Debt Limit
From $4.37T to $4.97T
Big Spending
1996 HR 3136
Increased Public Debt Limit
From $4.97T to $5.5T
Big Spending
1997HR 2015
Increased Public Debt Limit
From $5.5T to $5.95T
Big Spending
HR 4775
Increased Public Debt Limit
From $5.95T to $6.4T
Big Spending
2003HJ Res 51
Increased Public Debt Limit
From $6.4T to $7.384T
Big Spending
2004HR 856
Increased Public Debt Limit
From $7.38T to $8.18T
Big Spending

Defense Spending and Wars

HR 2401
Defense Appropriations Act
Largest reduction in Defense spending as % of GDP in history.
1996HR 4655
Iraq Liberation Act
Policy for the United States to remove Saddam Hussein Leading up to the Iraq War.
SJ Res 54
Government of Iraq Resolution
States the Government of Iraq is unacceptable and in material breach of International obligations. Leading up to the Iraq War.
2001HJ Res 64
Authorization to use military force against Afghanistan
War: The United States invades Afghanistan and installs a government.
2002HJ Res 114
Authorization to use military force against Iraq
War: The United States invades Afghanistan and installs a government.

Education: Federal intervention

1993HR 1804
Goals 2000: Educate Americans Act
Establish seven year accomplishment goals
1998HR 6
Higher Education Amendment
$$$ to ensure dorms are alcohol free
2001HR 1
No Child Left Behind
Federal takeover of our childrens education
HR 2210
School Readiness Act
Head Start
HR 438
Teacher Recruitment Act
Subsidies to schools to recruit and retain teachers
HR 2211
Ready to Teach Act
Mandates for teacher certifications
HR 366
Vocational and Technical Education Act
Guidelines for vocational and technical education

Massive Expansion of the Welfare State

1993HR 3838
Housing and Community Development ActPrimary cause of financial meltdown in 2008.
Forced Banks to make loans to families unable to pay.
Authorized GNMA to issue mortgage backed securities.
Funded Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage relief.
1993 HR 2351
Arts, humanities and museums Amendments
Funding for the National Endowment of the Arts.
1996HR 3734
Personal Responsibility and Work Act
Welfare and Medicaid reform.
2000HR 4386
Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention Act
Money for indigent Welfare
2000HR 3529
Economic Security and Worker Assistance Act
Billions of dollars of unemployment assistance.
2001HR 2646
Farm Security and Rural Investment Act
Subsidies to farmers.
2001HR 256
Family Farmer Bankruptcy Relief Extension
Subsidies to farmers.
2007HR 976
State Childrens Health Insurance Plan
$71B unfunded mandate to the states.

Incremental Steps to Obamacare

1993HR 2202
Preventative Health Amendments Act
Voted alongside Henry Waxman (D-CA)
1994HR 8
Healthy Meal for Healthy Americans Act
Voted alongside Kildee (D-MI)
2000HR 4680
Medicine RX 2000 Act
Precursor to Medicare Prescription Drug Act 2003
2000HR 4365
Childrens Health Act
Precursor to SCHIP
2000HR 2887
Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act
Precursor to SCHIP and Medicare Prescription Drug Act
2001HR 2559
Federal Long Term Care Act
Amendments require citizens to purchase LTC
2003HR 1/4954
Medicare Prescription Drug Act
A $16.1 T unfunded mandate and entitlement.
2005HR 5573
Health Centers Renewal Act
A $1.2 trillion cost to build regional medical centers.

2nd Amendment (Two gun control Bills made it to a house vote during Nathan's tenure and he voted YES)

HR 3098
Handgun Safety Act
Prohibits juveniles from possessing a gun. This is a parents decision.
1993HR 1025
Brady Hand Gun Law
Requires background check and five day waiting period for firearms.

Environmental Extremism (How does any of this help a 9th District citizen?)

1993HR 322
Hardrock Mining Reform Act
Restrictions on coal mining
1998HR 2863
Migratory Bird Treaty Reform Act
National regulations on migratory birds
1998HR 3267
Sonny Bono Salton Sea Act
Millions to reclaim the Alamo River and Salton Sea in California
1998HR 2870
Tropical Forest Conservation Act
Million for Tropical Forest Conservation
1999HR 193
Sudbury Assabet Scenic River Act
Millions for Massachusetts
1999HR 171
Heritage Trail Route in New Jersey
$1.0M to $4.0M for a nature trail in New Jersey
1999HR 468
St. Helena National Scenic Area
Millions for St Helena Island National Preserves in South Carolina
2000S 2943
Assistance for International Malaria Control Act
Millions to fight malaria around the world
2000S 2547
Grand Sand Dunes Preserve Act
Millions for Grand Sand Dunes Preservation in New Mexico
2000HR 5375
Erie Canal Heritage Corridor Act
Millions to establish a heritage trail for the Erie Canal
2000HR 4656
Conveyance of Forest Service Land in Lake Tahoe Basin
Millions to establish a National refuge in Lake Tahoe, NV
2000HR 2090
Exploration of the Sea Act
What is it that they expect to find?
2000HR 3176
Kealia Pond Wildlife Refuge
Millions to establish a National Wildlife area

Infringement of States Rights and the 10th Amendment

1995HR 3396
Defense of Marriage Act
State Issue: Defines Marriage
2000HR 3088
Victim of Rape Health Protection Act
State Issue: Mandates HIV Testing
2000HR 2498
Cardia Arrest Survival Act
State Issue: Funding for defibrillators in rural areas
2003HR 1350
Reauthorizes Individuals with Disabilities Act
State Issue: The level at which someone hangs a mirror in a public bathroom is not the business of the Federal Government
2004HR 2028
Pledge Protection Act
State Issue
2004HR 3313
Marriage Protection Act
State Issue

Institutionalize the Cradle to Grave Nanny State

HR 2010
National and Community Service Act
Funding for youth Community work opportunities
1999HR 3073
Fathers Count Act
Promote marriage
Enhanced relationship skills training
Promote successful parenting
Massive funding for programs around the nation
1999HR 325
Diabetes Act
Diabetes research funding
2000S. 2311
Ryan White Care Act
AIDS/HIV education and spending
2003HR 395
Do Not Call List Act

2004HR 5107
Justice for All Act
Amends previous acts for DNA testing. $18B cost

Big Spending and Loss of Liberty

2001HR 3150
Airport Security Federalization Act
Initiates TSA and federalizes all airport security
2001HR 5710
Homeland Security Act
Establishes a $58B per year agency with >200,000 employees. YES
2001HR 3162
The Patriot Act
Largest infringement on personal rights since Habeas Corpus was suspended by Abraham Lincoln
2002HR 4598
Homeland Security Info Sharing Act
Authorization to share data bases between police agencies.
2005HR 3199
Patriot Act re Authorization
Re authorizes the Patriot Act

1 comment:

  1. The appearance of impropriety is a phrase referring to a situation whose ethics are deemed questionable. To a layperson, without knowledge of the specific facts, the comment or action in question appears inappropriate or a violation of a rule or regulation. This is Mr. Deal's actions.
